Lack of Safety Standards To Protect Consumers
This year’s hottest holiday gift, the hoverboard, has led to serious head injuries and broken bones throughout Florida and the country. Hospitals are seeing an increase of not just children, but adults, seeking medical treatment after they crashed while riding their new hoverboards.
Medical professionals expect that the number of incidents is under-reported as many are also receiving bruises, scratches and slight sprains. Earlier this year there were also reports of combusting or exploding hoverboards as a result of faulty batteries. The Consumer Product Safety Commission is now investigating.
Many people think as hoverboard as a levitating board in the movie Back to the Future. A hoverboard, also called self-balancing electric scooter or a two-wheel scooter, is a two-wheeled motorized gadget.
According to cNET, hoverboards have two pressure-sensitive footpads that control your speed and allow you to steer with your feet. The boards begin moving when you step on, which makes them tricky to mount and dismount. Because there is no handle to steady yourself, getting your balance can be tough and it’s easy to fall off while you get used to the board.
You’ll use your core to keep yourself balanced and also feel the burn in your calves and feet, since the muscles in those areas help you steer.
There are numerous manufacturers and brands of hoverboard on the market including many fake boards. Some of the most common are IO Hawk, Phunkeeduck, Monorover R2D, Swagway, Powerboard, HoverX and the Razor Hovertrax.
Social media sites are burning up with chronicled accidents (epic falls and collisions) under the search term #hoverboardfail. These sites are showing kids, moms and dads getting on hoverboards and then hitting the pavement.
While many celebrities (Justin Beiber, John Legend, and Wiz Khalifa) have been seen using this toy / machinery, there are serious risks in using. Even Florida congressman Carlos Curbelo and former boxer Mike Tyson were not immune, one ending up with his arm in a sling and the other bruising more than his ego.
Unfortunately few riders are wearing any protective gear at all. Hollander Law Firm Accident Injury Lawyers strongly encourages you to wear the proper safety gear including helmets, knee pads, elbow pads and wrist guards while hoverboarding. And most importantly supervise young children when in use. A hoverboard should never be used alone.
If you or a loved one has been seriously injured in a South Florida hoverboard accident, contact our personal injury law firm in Boca Raton at (561) 347-7770 for a free and confidential appointment to discuss your rights. There are never any fees or costs associated with representing you unless we are successful in making a financial recovery on behalf of you and your family.